Our Ministries


Before you begin to register for Pre-Cana please note the following:

- If you have been divorced from any marriage, contact the priest or deacon preparing you and let him know before registering for Pre-Cana.

- Just prior to your Pre-Cana, you will receive a letter or a book from the Parish where you are registered. It will contain directions and all other necessary information.

- Due to the large numbers of registrants, it is strongly recommended that your Pre-Cana Conference is completed at least (6) months prior to the date of your wedding.

A couple may not register for Pre-Cana until they met with the priest preparing them for the Sacrament of Matrimony.

To register, please contact Pre-Cana Registration Coordinator office at 973-497-4328

Click Here to Register for Pre-Cana

Already Registered? - Click Here to Login

As of this time, St. Mary's does not have on site Pre-Cana.

Food Pantry

Every 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month From 7:30 am

Our food pantry has returned to St. Mary’s Church premises, 254 2nd Street, and will continue from there twice a month on the 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month. Please take note of that and pass the news to our recipients. Your donations to the food pantry are welcome.

Nuestra dispensa de comida ha retornado a nuestra Parroquia de Sta. María– 254 Calle Segunda y continuará dos veces por mes el Primer y el tercer sábado del mes. Por favor tomar nota de ello y pasar la noticia a otras personas. Si desea contribuir con nuestra dispensa de comida, hágalo que todas sus donaciones son bienvenidas.

If you would like to donate to our Food Pantry program:
Please send us a check or money order payable to St. Mary's Parish or Click here to donate online.

Protecting God's Children

All of our volunteers working with children are required to be up to date with this training.
Please contact the parish office for more information or contact the Office of the Protection of the Faithful at the Archdiocese of Newark.

2000 Hail Mary's

2000 Hail Mary's has resumed. It is on the last Saturday of the Month, from 7:30am - 7:00pm St. Boniface Chapel - Marian Hall

300 CLUB

Join or RENEW TODAY, this will be a big help to your Church and to your family. Prizes will be drawn on the last Friday of the month. Dues: $10.00 a month—-$120.00 a year payable all at once or in two installments at any time. Registration Forms can be found at the rear of the Church.

Click to download Form
Click to download Information

Bible Study

Bible Study at St. Mary's Parish: The bible study class came to life when three parishioners expressed their desire to have a bible study class in our parish instead of going to another parish. Having expressed their desire to me, we started one three years ago. We try to follow the "Lectio Divina" approach. We begin by centering our thoughts and being in the presence of God who would teach us to understand the coming Sunday gospel reading. This way on Sunday at mass, each participant is more open and engaged in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Anyone interested to know more of God and experience Him in our daily life is welcome to join the group every Friday at 6:30pm in St. Bridget's Library in Marian Hall.

Youth & Young Adult Ministry


Where does God rank in your life? If He’s not first, you have some work to do. Putting God first in everything helps us from putting other “gods” (like our pride and ego, money and possessions) before God. Before making a decision, ask yourself if I am doing this for the glory of God or for the glory of me?

If you are interested in our youth group please contact Deacon Cesar Sarmiento (deaconsarmiento@gmail.com) or call the parish office (201-434-8500)

Young Adults Group

Young Adults Group meet every 1st Saturday evening in the parish. For more information, please contact the parish office.

Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Archdiocese of Newark
499 Belgrove Drive
Kearny NJ 07032
Phone: 201-998-0088

Parish Devotions & Groups

First Friday Mass: 7:00am St. Boniface Chapel - Marian Hall

First Friday Mass and Adoration: 7pm-9pm - Main Church

First Saturday Devotion: 9am-10:30am - Main Church

Eucharistic Adoration (Holy Hour): 7pm-8pm Mondays & Wednesdays - St. Boniface Chapel - Marian Hall

Grupo De Oracion: Tuesdays after 7pm Mass - St. Boniface Chapel - Marian Hall

Cofradia del Sagrado Corazon: 2nd Sunday of the Month 12pm

Altagracia Group: 3rd Sunday of the Month 11:30am

Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Wednesdays, after 7am Mass, St. Boniface Chapel - Marian Hall

Catholic Action of Mary: 1st Sunday of the Month Meeting following Tagalog Mass and Fellowship

Knights of Columbus: 1st Sunday of Month Meeting at 1:00pm in St. Bridget's Library, Marian Hall

Bible Study: Every Friday at 6:30pm, St. Bridget's Library - Marian Hall

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is the right arm of the Catholic Church, and its reputation and sanctity is recognized by the Holy See. It is a brotherhood of Catholic men totaling more than 2 million members. It was started by Blessed Father Michael McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut in 1882 and now serves families, parishes, and communities around the world through more than 16,000 councils.

St. Mary's has been honored with its own Knights of Columbus council. It's first council has been named St. Mary's of the Immaculate Conception Council 137. The council number 137 has prestigious significance because it was first commissioned as a council number in 1895 and the first and only Supreme Knight from the State of New Jersey was a member of Council 137.

The legacy of Council 137 will continue at St. Mary's, and we look forward to welcoming more Catholic men to join us in service to our parish community.

Our council holds a monthly meeting every first Sunday at 1:00pm in St. Bridget's library in Marian Hall. Catholic men 18 years and older are welcomed to join. Contact the parish office for more information.

Vivat Jesus!

Annual Santacruzan and Flores de Mayo

Street Procession

Last Sunday of May
AFTER 2:30PM Mass

--> Procession of Clergy, Marian Icons, Sagalas 'Titles of Mary', Flower Girls, Angels and Reyna Elenas, Emperatiz, Reyna de las Flores begins after Holy Mass in front St. Mary's Church

We welcome you to join in this Maytime tradition. Organized by the Catholic Action of Mary yearly. For more information contact, Freddy Burke (FreddyBurkeDRE@gmail.com).

Solemn Feast of Corpus Christi

Street Procession

Procession begins at Holy Rosary Church and ends at St. Mary’s Church

(We welcome you to join us in prayer and song)