Registration for 2024-2025 Catechetical Year is CLOSED
Registration will Open in June 2025 for St. Mary's Children/Teen Religious Education Program- Join us for children's religious education and prepare for the sacraments of Baptism, First Penance, First Communion, and Confirmation!
- Grades 1 to High School (H.S)
- RCIA for Adults
- For more info on Sacraments (RCIA) for Adults, please check out the 'Sacraments' tab on the website (RCIA) or contact the parish office
You can now register and pay online by clicking the button below:By registering online, it will automatically go to the Director of Religious Education, Mr. Freddy Burke (
Download the application form and send it back completed to the Parish Office - Attn: Freddy Burke. You can complete the payment using the buttons below. You may also pay the registration fee at the parish office.Payment
Religious Education Program Payment – 1 Child
Fill out the form below to make your payment to our Religious Education Program for 2020-2021.
We gladly accept:
Please note that fields marked with * are required.
Religious Education Program Payment – 2 Children
Fill out the form below to make your payment to our Religious Education Program for 2020-2021.
We gladly accept:
Please note that fields marked with * are required.
Religious Education Program Payment – 3 Children or more
Fill out the form below to make your payment to our Religious Education Program for 2020-2021.
We gladly accept:
Please note that fields marked with * are required.
For any questions, please call the parish office today!
Email: Freddy Burke at FreddyBurkeDRE@gmail.comFreddy Burke
Director of Religious Education
201-434-8500 x102
Children's Religious Education Program Sacrament Class Policies
For Adult Sacraments and Information, please check out the 'Sacraments' tab on the website. (RCIA) Baptism Ages 6 and Above. Typically the child is in 1st Grade when beginning CCD 'Religious Education Classes'. Must register for Religious Education Classes and attend class for at least (1) full year, in order to receive the Sacrament of Baptism. (Rel. Ed. Baptisms may ONLY take place during the Easter Vigil. ) At Least one Godparent must have received their Sacraments of Baptism, 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation. Godparents are required to provide a copy of their Confirmation Certificate or Letter of Eligibility to the parish office. For adults who want to be Godparents, but did not receive their Sacrament of Confirmation, they must register for RCIA - sacraments for Adults. These classes weekly. Check out the 'Sacraments' tab on the website for more info on Adult Sacrament classes. For Infant Baptisms to Age 5, please visit the 'Sacraments' tab, Baptism section on the Website. 1st Holy Communion Must register for Religious Education Classes for at least (2) Full Years of 1st Communion Classes Preparation. 1st Year - 1st Graders 2nd Year - 2nd Graders Students who complete (2 Full Years of Sacrament Classes Preparation) will receive their 1st Holy Communion in the Spring of their 2nd Year. Completion of Requirements will be reviewed by the Director of Religious Education. 1st Penance and Reconciliation Students preparing for 1st Holy Communion, also prepare to receive the Sacrament of 1st Penance and Reconciliation. This sacrament takes place in the late winter, or early spring of the 1st Holy Communion student's 2nd year. Confirmation Must register for Religious Education classes for at least (2) Full years of Confirmation Classes. 1st Year - 7th Graders 2nd Year - 8th Graders Students who complete (2 Full Years of Sacrament Classes Preparation) will receive their Confirmation in the Spring of their 2nd Year. Completion of Requirements will be reviewed by the Director of Religious Education. The Confirmation sponsor must have received their Sacraments of Baptism, 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation. The Sponsor is required to provide a copy of their Confirmation Certificate or Letter of Eligibility to the parish office. For adults who want to be Confirmation Sponsors, but did not receive their Sacrament of Confirmation, they must register for RCIA - sacraments for Adults. These classes are from September to April. Check out the 'Sacraments' tab on the website. (RCIT) Rite of Christian Initiation for Teens - (Sacraments for High School/Teens) Students who are of high school age (14 - 17) Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior Year High School students and are in need of the Sacraments of Baptism or 1st Holy Communion or Confirmation (or all three) may register using the link/form. For additional information please contact the parish office or the Director of Religious Education for High School sacrament preparation class placement. Children who would like to continue their Religious Education formation outside of class time are Highly Encouraged to attend the Monthly Family Mass which typically takes place at the last Sunday of each month and rotates between the 8am English, 10am Spanish and 12Noon Masses respectively.